Catholic Social Teaching and Responsibility to Refugees and Migrants  

Today tens of thousands of our brothers and sisters of all faiths, 
races, ethnicities, and cultures are still confronting adversity and 
persecution all around the world—victims of:

“Creating a world where immigrants, refugees, migrants, and people on the move are treated with dignity, respect, welcome, and belonging.”

  • Political turmoil
  • Human trafficking
  • Religious prejudice
  • Economic chaos
  • Famine and blight

Migration and Refugee Services plays an important role every day to actively address these causes of forced migration. We invite you to partner with us in our mission to make a difference in the lives of the multitudes trapped in cruel governmental regimes, unending poverty, human trafficking, and in refugee camps all over the world.

Quotes on Catholic social teaching and responsibility to refugees and migrants

National Catholic Fund for Migration and Refugee Services

The rights of migrants, refugees and immigrants begin with our Catholic Social Teaching of welcoming the newcomer. The National Catholic Fund for Migration and Refugee Services provides funds to help recently arrived refugees and other migrants who are faced with an emergency or crises--burying a family member, temporary help with unanticipated expenses, help in finding employment, etc.

To make a donation from another state go to the National Catholic Fund for Migration and Refugee Services webpage.

Catholic Fund against Human Trafficking

On January 1, 2015, Pope Francis recognized  the World Day of Peace with the theme:   "Slaves no more, but brothers and sisters." In alignment with this message, we invite you to answer Pope Francis' call to build a civilization based on the equal dignity of every person and join our efforts to eliminate the scourge of human trafficking by making a personal commitment and financial contribution  to fight human trafficking.

Help us in our fight against human trafficking by making a contribution to the Catholic Fund against Human Trafficking.

Border Crisis and Unaccompanied Children

The Unaccompanied Children's Fund provides assistance to the growing number of unaccompanied children entering into the United States without vital resources or support. As many of these children are escaping violence, gang recruitment, abuse, and poverty, this fund provides direct support to approximately 80% of the unaccompanied-migrant children released from federal immigration custody to their sponsors in the United State without case management services.  Many of the children assisted have been separated from their families for years and have endured significant trauma either in their home countries or during their journey to the United States. Each donation made to the Unaccompanied Children's Fund provides direct services to these vulnerable children including family reunification services, vital family preservation, and referrals to medical, mental health, educational, and legal services.

To make a donation from another state, please fill out and return this form.

Bequests, Planned Giving, Transfer of Stocks or other Assets

Consider a bequest, planned gift, or transfer of stock. For additional information, please contact Resource Development at 202-541-3064 or @email.

We reserve the right to decline donations under certain circumstances. All donations will be considered and processed in the District of Columbia. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is an organization with 501(c)(3) status. Contributions are deductible as provided by law.