Pastoral Actions and Recommendations



Pastoral ministry in twenty first century calls for a two-fold commitment:

  • Welcome and foster the cultural identity of the many faces in the Church

  • Develop an identity that is profoundly Catholic and pluricultural
It is achieved through an ongoing inculturation process that:

  • Fosters the intimate transformation of cultures through Christian values

  • Integrates those values into each culture (Redemptoris Missio #52)

General Objective

The General Objective of the National Pastoral Plan for Hispanic Ministry is still relevant and calls the Church to:

Live and promote by means of a Pastoral de Conjunto a model of Church that is Communitarian, Evangelizing, Missionary…

Model of Church that is:

  • Incarnate in the reality of the Hispanic people

  • Open to the diversity of cultures

  • Promoter and example of justice

  • Active in developing leadership through integral education

  • Leaven for the kingdom of God in society

I. Articulate a Clear Vision of Hispanic Ministry

Hispanic ministry is integral to the life and mission of the Church in the United States. It fosters the active participation of Hispanic Catholics in the life of the Church and society.
Hispanic ministry follows the principles of ecclesial integration and Gospel inclusion:

  • Most recent arrivals adapt to the receiving culture: language, laws, customs

  • Community maintains own cultural values, language and traditions

  • Receiving culture enriched and strengthened in its Catholic identity

  • Both cultures are transformed by the Holy Spirit into a new Pentecost

II. Foster a Spirituality of Communion in Mission

Pastoral de Conjunto or communion in mission: Calls all the baptized to act together as the One Body of Christ

Promotes collaboration among the different cultures and ministries in all dimensions of Christian life:

  • New Evangelization and Formation (human development as well as faith formation)

  • New Evangelization and Missionary Option (service and advocacy)

    > New Evangelization and Pastoral de Conjunto (building community in a spirit of unity and collaboration)

  • New Evangelization and Liturgy and Prayer Life

III. Promote Small Parish-based Communities and Apostolic Movements

  • Pastoral response that brings together families in cultural context and faith tradition

  • Promotes conversion process, Christian formation and transformation

  • Promotes sense of belonging and full participation

IV. Plan with the Community, not for the Community

Pastoral processes/consultation using see-judge-act-celebrate-evaluate method

Base planning on general objective of National Pastoral Plan and Encuentro & Mission

Include Hispanic leadership in planning process and decision-making

  • Within Hispanic community

  • In relationship with other ministries/Catholic groups within faith community

  • With other Catholics in joint pastoral and social action

V. Foster Vocations to the Priesthood, Diaconate and Consecrated Life


Strong vocational dimension in pastoral ministry among families and youth and young adults

Clear understanding of the candidates’ culture as well as the culture they will serve

Coordination by the offices of:

  • Hispanic ministry, vocations, presbyteral council, continuing education

  • Seminaries and houses of formation

  • Pastor, parish council and Hispanic committee

  • Parish staff and community leaders

VI. Form Lay Leaders to be “Bridge-Builders” in a Culturally Diverse Church

  • Profound Christian spirituality and ecclesial sense

  • Openness and a missionary spirit to welcome and serve persons of diverse cultures

  • Flexibility to listen to the people and to learn how to minister among them

  • Models of Christian service in solidarity with the most vulnerable

VII. A) Develop Relevant Models of Stewardship

  • Hispanics generously offer their time and talent within diverse ministries that serve millions of persons in parishes and in small communities

  • Many Hispanics are generous with their treasure

  • A significant number of Hispanics have not been invited to respond to the mission of the Church in proportion to their ability

  • Stewardship is the fruit of a mature process

  • Stewardship teaches Church members that they are disciples of Jesus and members of the Church

B) Stages for Stewardship Development

Stewardship goes through stages of development

  • Invitation to become members of the faith community

  • Welcome by the faith community

  • Development of ministers and ministries that are in context with the culture and faith tradition of those being served

  • Development of inter-community and ministerial relationships

  • Development and formation of lay leaders

  • Decision making is an inclusive and collaborative process

  • Inclusion in parish structure

  • Feeling of ownership and commitment to the parish community

  • Continuous commitment to the mission of the parish and the welcoming of other groups

VIII. Strengthen Parish, Diocesan and Regional Structures

Ecclesial integration urges the Church to strengthen structures

  • Assign appropriate resources to parish and diocesan ministry efforts

  • Increase the number of parishes equipped to respond to the growing population

  • Regional structures and supportive national organizations serving dioceses have been a great resource and should continue to be strengthened and supported in the future

IX. Commit to Catholic Social Teaching

On-going formation on Catholic Social Teaching

Participation of laity in civic affairs: political process, labor movements, social change

Formation in promoting human dignity and just legislation in the areas of:

  • Immigration

  • Education

  • Right to life and human rights

  • Border issues

  • Labor and wage issues

  • Environment

X. Foster Inter-cultural Dialogue and Collaboration

  • Openness to cultural diversity with a vision of Catholic unity

  • Promotion of inter-cultural dialogue and collaboration

  • Inclusion of Hispanics and all ethnic/cultural groups in decision making

XI. Give the Church a Voice in Spanish

With the most bilingual generation in history, 80% of Hispanic households speak Spanish at home

Pastoral letters and statements, ecclesial documents and resources should reach the pew in the Spanish language

Information relevant to the Hispanic community should be in bilingual form

  • Parish bulletins, diocesan newspapers

  • Church sponsored radio and television programs