Global Health

 Today there are 42 million people living with HIV/AIDS around the world. Of this total, 29.4 million live in Africa, 3.2 million of them children.

Experts predict the HIV/AIDS pandemic will explode in Nigeria, Ethiopia, Russia, India and China by the end of the decade. In 2010, these countries are expected to have an infected population of 50 to 75 million.

1 million deaths occur from malaria each year—90% of these are in Africa

About 8 million tuberculosis cases occur each year—3 million in Southeast Asia and 2 million in sub-Saharan Africa.

In the hardest hit African nations, as many as 58% of those living with HIV/AIDS are women.

By the year 2010, there will be an estimated 25 million children left orphan because of HIV/AIDS.