
Cables on Expulsion of Bishop Vega from Nicaragua, July 5, 1986

Year Published
  • 2013
  • English

Bishop James W. Malone
July 5, 1986


Text of Bishop Malone's cable to President Ortega:

On behalf of the Catholic bishops' conference of the United States, I strongly protest your government's action in expelling Bishop Pablo Antonio Vega from Nicaragua. Together with the government's refusal to allow Monsignor Bismarck Carballo to re-enter the country, this appears to reflect a new and dangerously repressive policy toward the Church and its hierarchy. The bishops of the United States stand in solidarity with Cardinal Obando y Bravo and his colleagues, and we urge you to reconsider these objectionable and ill-advised actions, and promptly to re-admit Bishop Vega and Monsignor Carballo to Nicaragua. 

Text of Bishop Malone's cable to Cardinal Obando y Bravo:

On behalf of the bishops of the United States I wish again to express solidarity with you and the bishops of Nicaragua at this difficult moment for the Church in Nicaragua. I have today strongly protested to President Ortega his government's action in expelling Bishop Vega and refusing to permit the re-entry of Monsignor Carballo and have called on him to allow both men to return to Nicaragua. Be assured of our continued support in the face of these repressive actions and our prayers that the Nicaraguan government will reconsider and reverse the dangerously ill advised policy it has apparently adopted toward the Church. 

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