"Couples who adopt NFP to space the births of children find that it brings about many positive changes in their relationship and even becomes a way of life." Mary Shivanandan, STD

This page provides articles on the effects of NFP use on the couple relationship. Please note that the content below represents the thought and research of the authors. Links to external websites are provided solely for the user's convenience. Reference to these sites do not imply USCCB official endorsement.

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See also NFP Science Bibliography, Psycho/Social Aspects of NFP.

Select Articles

“Natural Family Planning and Marital Chastity: The Effects of Periodic Abstinence on Marital relationships.” 
Richard J. Fehring, Michael D. Manhart, Linacre Quarterly (June 12, 2020).
This study confirms that despite the challenge of periodic sexual abstinence NFP use can benefit a marriage. This includes the fact that NFP couples are less likely to suffer a divorce. (Read an interview with the two authors here.)

NFP and the Marital Relationship: The Catholic University of America Study
M. Peter McCusker
This article reports on the findings of a study conducted at the Catholic University of America on the relationship between fertility-awareness methods of NFP and the marital relationship. 

The Impact of Natural Family Planning on Selected Aspects of the Couple Relationship
Thomasina Borkman and Mary Shivanandan
George Mason University sociology professor, Thomasina Borkman and author, Mary Shivanandan examine empirical research on couples using NFP. They share results regarding satisfaction with periodic sexual abstinence, attitude toward the sexual relationship, joint responsibility, and couple communication. This study also examines the knowledge of the couple's fertility awareness.



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